The sports and exercise field is an enormous industry filled with lustrous careers, lifelong health benefits, and expanding opportunities. As a youngster, adults would ask me the question, “What is your favorite subject in school?” When I would say “PE,” the adult would usually laugh and get a kick out of it, and reply with a chuckle, “Well, PE doesn’t’ count. Give me a subject besides PE.” No matter what subject I gave them after PE, I still knew in my heart that PE was still my favorite subject and I continued to believe that PE still counted for something despite the adults who were telling me otherwise.
It is alarming to me that some physical education programs (today and in years previous) have forgone the opportunity to educate its students on the real-world implications that can otherwise stem from an informed and enlightened physical education program. The Benchmark Athletics PE program offers a fresh and innovative approach to physical education that is eager to disclose the rich knowledge pertaining to several career oriented endeavors in the industry of sport and exercise. We believe that "PE counts” and we are determined to justify this statement and revolutionize the undermining stereotypes that people may have about PE.
There are several career opportunities in the sport and exercise industry that the Benchmark Athletics PE program will introduce. In addition, we proudly accept the responsibility to further educate and foster the developing interests displayed by its students.
The following is a short list of some of the career opportunities directly associated with the subject of PE.
- Physical Education Teacher
- Referee/Umpire
- Statistician
- Professional/Amateur Athlete
- Athletic Director
- Personal Trainer
- Sport Psychologist
- Photographer/Videographer
- Athletic Trainer
- Analyst/Commentator
- Olympic Committee Member
- Coach
- Advertiser/Endorser
- Sports Agent
- Executive Officer
- Major/Miner Team Owner
- Team Manager
- Entertainment Coordinator
- Writer/Columnist/Publisher
- Production Manager
- Kinesiologist/Biomechanist
- Equipment Innovator
- Physical Therapist
- Commissioner
- Aerobics Instructor
- Dietician/Sports Nutritionist
- Exercise Physiologist
- Occupational Physiologist
- Sales Representative
- Recreational Coordinator
- Massage Therapist
- Acupuncture
- Chiropractor