Dear School Communities,
I hope everyone is well and making time for themselves to increase your heart rates for a minimum of 20 minutes a day with some type of cardiovascular and/or resistance training exercises. As we are all cooped up in our houses, I would like to remind everyone that there are several exercises you can do inside (or outside) that do not require fancy or heavy exercise equipment. Below I am including two Youtube links which do a good job exemplifying this concept. The first video is a 15 minute workout and the second is a longer, more intense 30 minute workout. Please pass these videos on to your kiddos and feel free to tell them that Coach Trevor says this is their PE homework.
15 minute workout30 minute workout
Parents, if you decide to do these exercises with your children this is fantastic! Just be sure to take things slow and don’t be discouraged if you guys are not completing the full set or can’t do as many reps as the exercisers in the videos. The important thing is that everyone is moving, having fun, and being safe while exercising.
- Coach Trevor